
Hi there, my name is Kristen. I’m the co-founder of Hippy Pits and for as long as I can remember, I’ve been a Label Reader. I care a lot about ingredients. Whether it’s in my food or my body care products....
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What's For Dinner? Recipes we love!
3 Dinner Dilemmas...Solved! Assuming you eat dinner around..7 times a week, we've got three scrumptious, hearty, comforting and healthy go-to recipes from Dana at Minimalist Baker !! We always seem to gravitate to her website when we need some creative meal inspiration....
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You Tubers We Love!
   You Tubers We LUV! Sharing is Caring! So here is a list of three of our favorite YouTubers. They are family friendly and offer loads of valuable advice and education on all things raw, cooked, vegan, exercise, breastfeeding, body care,...
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5 Reasons To Ditch Your Toxic Deodorant
Have you ever wondered "what's really in my deodorant"?Have you read the labels, tried to pronounce the ingredients and wondered what these chemicals may do to your body? I'm sure you have. And so have we.As it turns out, regular...
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